
Archive for the ‘homeschooling’ Category

Diversity, Unschooling Conferences, and Steinbeck, MLK, and Gandhi Quotes

I was inspired by a quote from John Steinbeck to write more about race, racism, and welcoming diversity in the homeschooling scene and at unschooling conferences. I also quote Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. from a great YouTube video you can watch here. In 1961, Steinbeck talked with a wealthy white man in […]

Freedom, Fear, and Unschooling

After I left school and started unschooling,  I had freedom, I put my trust in myself, and  I did a lot of healing work. Still there was a fear inside me that took me years to be fully aware of and make the choice not to let it control my actions. Recently I rediscovered a […]

Freedom, Healing, and Unschooling

Eli Gerzon talks about how he used the freedom he had with unschooling/homeschooling when he left school, to do all kinds of emotional and spiritual healing work. We can’t have freedom or be free if we have wounds that need tending to. He refers to the website Family Healing Institute, by Venus Taylor an African-American, unschooling/homeschooling mom in Boston. Eli Gerzon quotes Venus Taylor and expresses his own gratitude and thanks to all who have helped them heal.

Homeschooling, Unschooling, and Diversity

Eli Gerzon addresses how homeschooling, unschooling, and worldschooling, with the freedom, trust, and empowerment they grant has been proven to “improve academic performance and reduce impact of socio-economic factors”. The recent incident of racial profiling against African American Harvard scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr. is referenced in relation to the continued presence of racism. Still, there is a lack of diversity at homeschooling and unschooling gatherings despite the growing numbers of diverse people homeschooling.

My Unschooling and Trust Journey

In my last post I talked about how trust is key in unschooling. To learn to be free we need to trust ourselves even if things start out rough, and they certainly did when I started unschooling! “Decompression” is what unschoolers call it when you start unschooling and “do nothing” for awhile. My first several […]

Unschooling and Trust

“Unschooling is about trust.” This is what I often hear unschoolers say. Sometimes I put it this way: “Unschooling is about having confidence in freedom, or free people’s ability to guide their own lives.” The most basic meaning of unschooling is to homeschool without using a pre-packaged curriculum and instead the students follows their own […]

Unschooler Peter Kowalke Interview about College

Eli Gerzon interviews Peter Kowalke creator of the Grown Without Schooling (2001) documentary about ten grown homeschoolers/grown unschoolers. He discusses his traumatic time at college and the challenges of being an unschooler in a schooled society.

Links to Successful Unschoolers

Links to websites and blogs by homeschoolers and unschoolers who are successfully running their own businesses thanks in part to their homeschooling and unschooling background.

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