
Posts Tagged ‘worldschooling’

Unschoolers Reclaiming Homeschooling Term

I’ve thought a lot about all the terms for homeschooling: unschooling, worldschooling, self-education, life learning, autodidact,  etc. I just read a post defending the term “unschooling”. Idzie’s a grown unschooler from Montreal who has a very cool blog called I’m Unschooled. Yes, I Can Write. She  makes some very interesting points in this post. When […]

Freedom, Fear, and Unschooling

After I left school and started unschooling,  I had freedom, I put my trust in myself, and  I did a lot of healing work. Still there was a fear inside me that took me years to be fully aware of and make the choice not to let it control my actions. Recently I rediscovered a […]

Stranger in a Strange Land Newsletter: July 2009

In his Stranger in a Strange Land Newsletter: July 2009, Eli Gerzon talks about the Worldschool Travels tour of Japan in November which will include a group of five homeschooler/unschoolers/worldschoolers from around the country. He had a vision of a bird or phoenix coming out of a shell last year now he’s out of that shell, in his new skin, and trying to shine his light through his Tweets on Twitter, on Facebook, and on his blog here.

Unschooler Peter Kowalke Interview about College

Eli Gerzon interviews Peter Kowalke creator of the Grown Without Schooling (2001) documentary about ten grown homeschoolers/grown unschoolers. He discusses his traumatic time at college and the challenges of being an unschooler in a schooled society.

Ten Tips for Learning Languages

Ten Tips on how everyone can learn foreign languages if they just jump in, be willing to make mistakes, have confidence, make friends, speak in different settings, have fun, and learning naturally especially while travelling.

Earning Your Own Money for Travel

Tips on how to earn money through entrepreneurship and odd jobs by reaching out to your community so that you can finance your dreams like world travel.

First week in Honduras: San Pedro Sula, Tela, and Utila

Eli Gerzon writes about his first day in Honduras in San Pedro Sula, Tela on the Caribbean coast, and Utila on the Bay Islands. He visits the Guamilito Market, eats baleadas, and sees women make tortillas. He stay at Los Molinos B&B, a cheap hotel in San Pedro Sula down the street from the “very American” City Mall.

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