
Archive for the ‘freehood’ Category

Words for Liberation

I love words and believe they have power. Especially when you are desperately trying to understand a  situation where a person, group, or system has power over you: words can liberate. So here are some words for liberation.  This is an ongoing post. I want to add more words and terms. I plan to write at least one blog […]

Convention, Free Thinking, and the Reality of Dirty Socks

I highly recommend thinking for yourself. Free your mind. Don’t blindly follow convention. But sometimes, following convention is a good idea. The bottom line is to check in with reality. Here are a couple examples revolving around the stark reality of dirty socks. Using Your Freehood and Questioning Convention In fall 2006, I was traveling […]

Freedom vs. Freehood

Many years ago I was introduced to the term “freehood” and how it relates to “freedom” as we usually think of it. In short, freehood is about being free as an individual, from inside oneself. “Freedom” is about having a free environment. The term comes from Rudolf Steiner an Austrian philosopher from the late 19th, […]

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