Over Thanksgiving weekend my sister Miranda and I responded to the inquiries of an English friend about the American holiday Thanksgiving. The truth we reveal (involving nationalism, consumerism, conspiracies, Christmas, and delicious food that just wasn’t selling well) was too powerful and enlightening even, nay especially, for our fellow Americans, we realized it needed to be […]
Posts Tagged ‘history’
Lies My Teacher Told Me and the Shock and Anger of Truth
October 16th, 2009On Monday I wrote about how finding the truth about Columbus in the book Lies My Teacher Told Me helped inspire me to leave school for unschooling. I’ve also been thinking about the shock and the anger I felt from the implications of what I learned in the book. I was shocked and angry not […]
Columbus, Lies My Teacher Told Me, and Leaving School for Unschooling
October 12th, 2009Columbus helped inspire me leave school and start unschooling. Really, at age 15 I read Lies My Teacher Told Me: What American History Textbooks Got Wrong and it had a profound effect on me: especially the part about the atrocities Columbus committed. Of my own volition, on my own time, I read Lies My Teacher Told […]