
Speaking at InHome Homeschooling Conference: Illinois, March, 2010

I’m excited I’ve been asked to speak at the InHome Homeschooling Conference March 18-20, 2010 outside of Chicago, Illinois! I’ll speak about travel, worldschooling, transitioning into adulthood and young people earning their own money.

These are the workshops I’ll be leading:

These workshops are part of the adult program: especially for adults but teens are welcome:

  1. Traveling cheaply – I’ll share practical tips to show how world travel, a dream that many people think is out of reach, can be cheaper than living at home in the U.S.!
  2. Worldschooling – This is a term I coined about exploring, going outside your comfort zone, and finding meaningful work. I’ll talk about this philosophy and how parents can help their young adults find opportunities to do this locally and through travel.

These workshops are especially for teens but adults can come too:

  1. Transitioning to Adulthood – When can we call ourselves adults? We’ll discuss what this means and how we can find this in our modern world.. I’ll talk about my transition into adulthood, especially the role world travel and worldschooling have played.
  2. Earning Your Own Money – Independence! This workshop will include practical tips on how to make money as a teen. I’ll refer to the work I did  as a teen to finance my travels. I’ll also address how to do deal with any anxieties that might impede people from taking this ultimately liberating, empowering, and joyful step.

I’ll have a table where I can sell or promote things. It may be getting a bit late for the Worldschool Travel Tour: Japan in Summer 2010 but I’ll have a flyer for my travel tours in general at least. Most of the people on my trips I have met at conferences anyway.

Ideally, I’d also like to make Worldschool Stories, with my travel newsletters and essays on unschooling, into a real book even if it’s self-published. We’ll see if I can do that this winter.

I hope some of you readers can make it! If you feel like it, let me know if you have any ideas of things it’d be good for me to talk about in those particular workshops or at the conference in general.

Anyway, I’m really excited about it and really look forward to connecting up with lots of new homeschoolers and unschoolers.

Here’s the conference’s site (right now it’s transitioning from 2009 t0 2010 but you can see last year’s program to get some idea and you can check back later as they add more for 2010):

4 Responses to “Speaking at InHome Homeschooling Conference: Illinois, March, 2010”

  1. denise says:

    Yay! We hope to attend this one – the only conference ‘close’ to home! 🙂

    • Eli,
      I’ve been following your blog for a while. I am really looking forward to hearing you speak and meeting you at the conference!

      Until then, Deb

      • Eli Gerzon says:

        Hi Deb,
        So glad to hear you’ve been following my blog (even if I haven’t posted much lately!) and that you’ll be at the conference. I look forward to meeting you too!

        See you soon,

  2. Eli Gerzon says:

    Awesome! I look forward to seeing you there! I’ve heard good things about the conference from other people I met at unschooling conferences.

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