I’m excited I’ve been asked to speak at the InHome Homeschooling Conference March 18-20, 2010 outside of Chicago, Illinois! I’ll speak about travel, worldschooling, transitioning into adulthood and young people earning their own money. These are the workshops I’ll be leading: These workshops are part of the adult program: especially for adults but teens are welcome: Traveling […]
Posts Tagged ‘unschooling conference’
Stranger in a Strange Land Newsletter: September 2009
September 26th, 2009This is the latest edition of the newsletter I’ve been e-mailing to people since my travel started in 2002: Dear Readers, This is just a short newsletter mainly announcing my next tour especially for homeschooling/unschooling teens and young adults: Worldschool Travel Tour: Japan Summer 2010! You can read all about it on my blog post […]
Back from Northeast Unschooling Conference 2009
September 2nd, 2009I just got back from the Northeast Unschooling Conference this past weekend and I had a blast! There were a couple things I didn’t like during the conference but looking back now I’m just really happy about all the things I did enjoy. The first day, as I already blogged about there were few people […]