When we talk about adults in abusive relationships we are usually talking about romantic relationships. Sometimes people refer to abusive family relationships. Rarely do we refer to abusive relationships in our place of work. And even more rarely do we talk about the internal problems at nonprofits and other groups specifically focused on addressing […]
Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category
Passive Aggressive vs Covert Aggressive
June 21st, 2015Have you heard of the term covert aggressive? Even if you haven’t, you’ve probably experienced it! Often times people say someone is being “passive aggressive” when they really mean covert aggressive. I’ve found the distinction to be very helpful. I learned the term covert aggression from the book In Sheep’s Clothing: Understanding and Dealing with Manipulative People […]
How to Travel Cheaply
March 18th, 2010I’m at the InHome Homeschooling Conference in Illinois! I’m leading 4 workshops on Friday and Saturday. Lots of people signed up for the “How to Travel Cheaply” workshop. Here’s the handout I’m giving them with tips and links to help people travel on a budget. Probably the first thing I’ll tell them at the workshop […]
Wandering around our new neighborhood in Kyoto, Japan
November 6th, 2009We arrived at our new home on the Worldschool Travel Tour: Japan 2009 at Gojo Paradiso, Kyoto, Japan, on Thursday night. Then we spent the next day wandering our new neighborhood, finding cool places, and buying and eating deliscious food! Then we decided to cross the river and wanted down a side street. Soon we […]
First Morning in Tokyo on Worldschool Travel Tour: Japan in Autumn
November 2nd, 2009I woke up early as I have been but things are going great on Worldschool Travel Tour: Japan in Autumn 2009! The 11 hour flight was pretty exhausting but Korean Airlines fed us good food and gave us good leg room! Then we had trouble getting money from ATMs but even that seems to be cleared-up! […]
Copenhagen Climate Treaty: Threat to Sovereignty or Hope for Future?
October 18th, 2009I was disturbed to find on the Yahoo unschooling/homeschooling list for Home Education Magazine people who viewed the Copenhagen treaty to reduce climate change/global warming as a threat to U.S. sovereignty, instead of hope for the survival of our species. I’ve been blogging about the challenge of expressing views I’m very passionate about while still being […]
My blog has moved to eligerzon.com/blog!
August 24th, 2009My WordPress blog and my website www.eligerzon.com have merged together! All the content form my eligerzon.wordpress.com blog, including comments and everything, can be found now be found at: www.eligerzon.com/blog You can go to directly to that address or just go anywhere on the eligerzon.com site and click on the new “Blog” tab in the middle of […]
An unschooler/worldschooler goes to Spanish school
March 19th, 2009Earlier this week on a whim I decided to post my “status” on Facebook as: “Eli Gerzon is taking a Spanish class: maybe he’s been overreacting about this whole school thing the last 10 years.“ That got a surprising number of comments! Most were from people not in the unschooling scene (I wonder if my […]
View of Antigua from a police motorcycle
March 16th, 2009I mentioned in the last post how it’s difficult to fit everything into a monthly travel newsletter. I arrived in Guatemala on Wednesday night, have been here for only four days and I can’t fit it all in this post, so I’ll spread it out in the next few. Honestly, I haven’t exactly been seeking […]