
Posts Tagged ‘unschooling’

First Morning in Tokyo on Worldschool Travel Tour: Japan in Autumn

I woke up early as I have been but things are going great on Worldschool Travel Tour: Japan in Autumn 2009! The 11 hour flight was pretty exhausting but Korean Airlines fed us good food and gave us good leg room! Then we had trouble getting money from ATMs but even that seems to be cleared-up! […]

We Learn and See Reality When We’re Ready

Fro me the Worldschool Travel Tour: Japan in Autumn 2009 starts tomorrow when I fly to LA! But, I wanted to finish up this Lies My Teacher Told Me thread I started on Columbus Day and talk about how we only learn certain truths and see certain aspects of reality when we’re ready. The things […]

Share Reality & Wisdom to Ease Shock, Make Progress, and Find Purpose

I really encourage unschooling parents, and everyone else, to share with kids the reality of the world and the wisdom they’ve gained from their own experiences. Some truths are going to inevitably be shocking but I think this can ease the shock, make progress, and help people find their purpose. Of course, I know people […]

Copenhagen Climate Treaty: Threat to Sovereignty or Hope for Future?

I was disturbed to find on the Yahoo unschooling/homeschooling list for Home Education Magazine people who viewed the Copenhagen treaty to reduce climate change/global warming as a threat to U.S. sovereignty, instead of hope for the survival of our species. I’ve been blogging about the challenge of expressing views I’m very passionate about while still being […]

Lies My Teacher Told Me and the Shock and Anger of Truth

On Monday I wrote about how finding the truth about Columbus in the book Lies My Teacher Told Me helped inspire me to leave school for unschooling. I’ve also been thinking about the shock and the anger I felt from the implications of what I learned in the book. I was shocked and angry not […]

Speaking at InHome Homeschooling Conference: Illinois, March, 2010

I’m excited I’ve been asked to speak at the InHome Homeschooling Conference March 18-20, 2010 outside of Chicago, Illinois! I’ll speak about travel, worldschooling, transitioning into adulthood and young people earning their own money. These are the workshops I’ll be leading: These workshops are part of the adult program: especially for adults but teens are welcome: Traveling […]

Columbus, Lies My Teacher Told Me, and Leaving School for Unschooling

Columbus helped inspire me leave school and start unschooling. Really, at age 15 I read Lies My Teacher Told Me: What American History Textbooks Got Wrong and it had a profound effect on me: especially the part about the atrocities Columbus committed. Of my own volition, on my own time, I read Lies My Teacher Told […]

Homeschooling/Unschooling teen learns from working his first job to earn money for travel

I’ve always hoped homeschooling/unschooling teens and young adults learning to earn their own money could be part of Worldschool Travel Tours. Recently, the mother of one of the teens on my upcoming November Japan 2009 tour wrote me telling me how working his first job has helped her son grow, learn, and gain confidence. Sherry […]

Unschooling College: Many Ways

I left high school at the age of 15 to homeschool, at 18 I started to travel the world, write, and run my own businesses. I’ve never been to college full time. And now I value “unschooling college” and “worldschooling” just as much as unschooling high school. Unschooling college can mean many different things and there are many […]

Stranger in a Strange Land Newsletter: September 2009

This is the latest edition of the newsletter I’ve been e-mailing to people since my travel started in 2002: Dear Readers, This is just a short newsletter mainly announcing my next tour especially for homeschooling/unschooling teens and young adults: Worldschool Travel Tour: Japan Summer 2010! You can read all about it on my blog post […]

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